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Outfits I swear upon after finding out about Breast Cancer

Outfits I stand by after learning about my Breast Cancer

Outfits I swear upon after finding out about Breast Cancer

Outfits I stand by after learning about my Breast Cancer

Dealing with anxiety, sleepless nights, and discomfort post multiple surgeries can be challenging. However, I have discovered some lifesaver that has greatly improved my sleep quality..

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My Breast Cancer Journey

My Breast Cancer Journey

I think about many things in life. But losing a part of myself to Breast Cancer is something I had never imagine.

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Secret discount code for you... Promotion & Savings right here.

Secret discount code for you... Promotion & Savings right here.

Okay.. who doesn't love discounts & savings. So here it is. I have decided to put the codes here for the benefit of those who might have missed out... 

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5 Date Night Outfits To Impress

5 Date Night Outfits To Impress

Having a date night panic moment when you simply can't find anything to wear? Fear not, even for me who technically has nothing but few hundred dresses at home has this problem too... But fear not....

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